Enzymolysis Followed by Alkaline Hydrolysis for Preparing Water Soluble Dietary Fiber from Jujube Fruit Residues 酶碱法提取枣渣可溶性膳食纤维的工艺研究
Effect of Alkaline Hydrolysis on Excess Sludge Disintegration and Gas Production of Anaerobic Digestion 碱解处理对剩余污泥融胞效果及厌氧消化产气效果
An Optimized Alkaline Hydrolysis Method to Extract Lipid Biomarkers from Pleistocene Vermicular Red Paleosols: An Example from Xuancheng, Anhui Province 碱式水解法提取红土分子化石:以安徽宣城更新世网纹红土为例
Alkaline hydrolysis properties of modified profiled hollow polyester fiber SIP改性异形聚酯纤维的碱水解性能
Effect of Anionic Surfactant Micelles SDS on the Alkaline Hydrolysis of Chloroacetates 阴离子表面活性剂SDS对氯乙酸酯碱性水解的影响
Polymeric thickener for latex can be prepared from waste polyacrylonitrile ( PAN) via alkaline hydrolysis and chain extension. 以废腈纶为原料,经碱法水解反应和扩链反应制取乳液用高分子增稠剂。
Neutral polysaccharides, namely glycogens, were separated by alkaline hydrolysis and the multiple branching degree was determined by enzymic method. Glycosaminoglycan, a kind of acidic polysaccharides, was also extracted and identified. 用酶法提取螺蛳粗多糖并分析单糖组成,用碱法提取中性糖即糖原并用酶法测定其分支化结构参数,对酸性糖即糖胺聚糖进行了分离与鉴定。
The effect of cationic surfactant micelles on the alkaline hydrolysis of esters 阳离子表面活性剂胶束对酯碱性水解的影响
The effect of ethylenediamine on the alkaline hydrolysis of polyester fibers is studied. 研究了乙二胺对涤纶碱水解的影响。
The linear density and strength were decreased with the increase of alkaline hydrolysis time and temperature. 纤维线密度和强度均随碱水解时间的延长和温度的升高而减小。
Main product-chloroform is obtained from alkaline hydrolysis of chlorine oil, the rest are waste liquids of sodium formate containing sodium formate, sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide. 氯油经氢氧化钠碱解后,除得到主产物氯仿外,其余为含甲酸钠、氯化钠、氢氧化钠等物质的甲酸钠废液。
This paper described the method of separation of model vinyl sulfone dyecellulose compounds and their products of alkaline hydrolysis by high performance liquid chromatography ( HPLC). 提出了采用高效液相色谱技术分离模拟乙烯砜型染料-纤维化合物及其碱性水解产物的方法。
Study on comfort polyester fiber Part 1: Effect of additive content alkaline hydrolysis properties of blend polyester fiber 舒适性聚酯纤维研究Ⅰ.添加剂含量对共混纤维碱水解性能的影响
A study on the chemical kinetics of polyester alkaline hydrolysis ( Part one) 聚酯碱水解的动力学研究(第一部分)
The amount of crosslinking agent and conditions of alkaline hydrolysis have great effects on water-absorbency. 交联剂用量和水解条件对树脂吸水倍数的影响很大。
This paper presents the results of treating wastewater in the production of organophosphorus pesticides, such as Rogor and Moniter, with a two-Stage of alkaline hydrolysis and biological oxidation. 本文报道了碱性水解和生物氧化两步法,处理有机磷农药-乐果、甲胺磷生产废水的研究结果。
A systematic method for analyzing products from lignin hydrogenolysis and alkaline hydrolysis has been investigated. 本文建立了分析木素氢解产物及木素高温碱水解产物的较系统的方法。
The process, operation parameters and treatment efficiency of the weak alkaline hydrolysis anaerobic hydrolysis SBR aerobic biological technology for treatment of organic phosphorus pesticide wastewater are presented. 介绍了微碱解-厌氧水解-SBR好氧生化法处理有机磷农药废水的工艺流程、工艺参数和处理效果。
The effect of SiO_2 nanometer powder additive on PET fiber alkaline hydrolysis properties in its synthesis process was studied. 研究了在PET合成过程中SiO2纳米粉体添加对其纤维碱水解性能的影响。
The symbiosis of rice and 6 ducks also remarkably enhance the content of alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen of the soil. 18只/667m~2鸭的稻鸭共育有显著提高土壤的碱解氮含量的作用。
Hydantoin was synthesized from glycine and sodium cyanate, which was condensed with benzaldehyde to give monohydrated sodium phenylpyruvate in 67.0% of overall yield after alkaline hydrolysis. 由甘氨酸和氰酸钠反应合成海因,然后与苯甲醛缩合,经碱水解得到一水合苯丙酮酸钠,总收率为67.0%。
Effect of QA on Alkaline Hydrolysis and Dyeing Performance of Modified Polyester QA对改性聚酯碱水解及染色性能的影响
Graft copolymers of solubilized starch, oxidized starch and corn starch with polyacrylamide have been synthesized, respectively, using the ceric ammonium nitrate initiation system, and corresponding anionic graft copolymers have been prepared by alkaline hydrolysis of uncharged graft copolymers. 以硝酸铈铵为引发剂,分别合成了可溶性淀粉、玉米淀粉及氧化淀粉与丙烯酰胺的接枝共聚物,并经碱性水解制备了相应的阴离子型衍生物。
First, we prepared two kinds of gelatin hydrolysate with molecular weight distribution separately adopting the method of alkaline hydrolysis and the method of hot-pressing. 首先,本文采用碱水解和热压法两种工艺方法对海狗皮胶原蛋白进行水解,制备了具有一定分子量分布的明胶水解液。
The content includes as following: 1. Indole as raw material and acetic anhydride and acrylic reaction to get indole-3-propionate acetate, which by alkaline hydrolysis, acidification to indole-3-propionic acid. 主要内容包括:1.以吲哚为原料,经与乙酸酐及丙烯酸反应制得吲哚-3-丙酸乙酰酯,再经碱性水解、酸化得吲哚-3-丙酸。
Using the methods of system solvent, repeated column chromatography and HPLC, we have taken out a series of studies on the chemical constituents of acid and alkaline hydrolysis products. 利用系统溶剂法和高效液相色谱法,我们对上述皂苷的酸、碱水解产物进行了化学成分研究。
Under the same conditions, alkaline hydrolysis rate of modified polyester was higher than that of conventional polyester. 相同条件下,改性聚酯的碱水解率高于常规聚酯。